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网址:kongyajiz.oy56.cn  2023-11-07  作者:admin    阅读:

Working principle of variable frequency air compressor
由于空压机马达的转速与空压机的实际消耗功率成一次方关系,降低马达转速将减少实际消耗功率变频式空压机是用压力感测器即时感应系统中实际气压和用气量。 通过电器控制和变频控制的精确配合,在不改变空压机马达转矩(即拖动负载的能力)的前提下来即时控制马达转速(即输出功率),经由改变压缩机转速,来响应 系统压力的变化,并保持稳检查井钢模具 隔离墩模具 隔离墩钢模具 流水槽模具 U型槽模具 螺杆启闭机 卷扬式启闭机 铜雕佛像 定的系统压力(设定值),以实现高品质压空气的按需输出。当系统消耗风量降低时,此时压缩机提供的压缩空气大于系统消耗量,变频 式压缩机会降低转速,同时减少输出压缩空气风量;反之则提高马达运转速增加压缩空气风量,以保持稳定的系统压力值。它和风机电机水泵节电一样,根据负载变化,控制输入的电压频率,跟变频器原理相同。
Because the rotation speed of air compressor motor and the actual power consumption of air compressor are in the first power relationship, reducing the rotation speed of motor will reduce the actual power consumption. Frequency conversion air compressor uses pressure sensor to instantly sense the actual air pressure and gas consumption in the system. Through the precise coordination of electrical control and frequency conversion control, the speed of the motor (i.e. output power) is immediately controlled without changing the torque of the air compressor motor (i.e. the ability to drag the load). By changing the speed of the compressor, the system pressure changes, and the stable system pressure (set value) is maintained to achieve the on-demand output of high-quality compressed air. When the air consumption of the system is reduced, the compressed air provided by the compressor is greater than the system consumption, and the frequency conversion compressor reduces the rotation speed and reduces the output compressed air volume; otherwise, the motor rotation speed is increased to increase the compressed air volume to maintain a stable system pressure value. It is the same as the fan motor water pump power saving, according to the load change, control the input voltage frequency, the same as the inverter principle.

