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网址:kongyajiz.oy56.cn  2023-07-17  作者:admin    阅读:

The installation of screw air compressor shall comply with relevant local laws and regulations, and strictly comply with the following provisions:
1. The air compressor shall be lifted with lifting equipment with bearing capacity greater than the 扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训weight of the unit, and the lifting speed and acceleration shall be limited within the allowable range;
2. Try to install the air compressor in a cool, clean and well ventilated place to ensure that the air inhaled by the air compressor is clean and the moisture content is the minimum;
3. The air inhaled by the air compressor is not allowed to contain combustible gas and corrosive gas, so as to avoid explosion or internal corrosion;
4. The air-cooled machine should preferably have an exhaust fan or air duct to guide the hot air out of the room to avoid the hot air circulating to the air inlet;
5.空压机污水、废油的排放应遵守当地环保型线  流水槽模具 景观石 检查井钢模具 保定通风管道 隔离墩模具 保定保洁公司部门的规定;
5. The discharge of sewage and waste oil from the air compressor shall comply with the regulations of the local environmental protection department;
6. The power supply line leading the air compressor must match its power, and safety devices such as air switch and fuse must be installed. In order to ensure the reliability and safety of electrical equipment, it must be reliably grounded.

