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网址:kongyajiz.oy56.cn  2023-05-17  作者:admin    阅读:

Choosing a marine air compressor is economical, reliable, and safe. Do you know how to choose a marine air compressor?
船用空压机应考虑排气压力的高低和排气量大小。一般用途空气动力用压缩机排气压力为 0.7MPa 老标准为 0.8MPa目前社会上有一种排气压力为 0.5MPa空压机。输气距离稍远一些就不能使用。
Marine air compressors should consider the level of exhaust pressure and the size of exhaust volume. The exhaust pressure of a general purpose air power compressor is 0.7MPa, and the old standard is 0.8MPa. Currently, there is a type of air compressor in society with an exhaust pressure of 0.5MPa. If the gas transmission distance is slightly longer, it cannot be used.
From a design perspective, the marine air compressor is designed as a first stage compression, with a pressure ratio that is too high, which can easily cause excessive exhaust temperature and cause carbon deposition in the cylinder, leading to accidents. If a large amount of air is used and the exhaust volume of the air compressor is small, once the pneumatic tool is started, it will cause a significant decrease in the exhaust pressure of the air compressor and cannot drive the pneumatic tool. If the dosage is high during low periods.
In addition, the usual usage and peak usage are not large. The usual method in foreign countries is to connect air compressors with smaller exhaust volumes in parallel to achieve larger exhaust volumes, and start them one by one as the gas consumption increases. This not only benefits the power grid, but also saves energy.
2、 Choose the conditions for merging a marine air compressor airport
船用空压机如果使用场合不能供电。用户常有错误的认识, 风冷、水冷两种冷却方式上。认为水冷好,其实不然。国内外小型压缩机中风冷式大约占到 90%以上,这是因为在设计上风冷简便。
If the marine air compressor cannot be powered in the intended use. Users often have misconceptions about the two cooling methods of air cooling and water cooling. I think water cooling is good, but it's actually not. Over 90% of small compressors both domestically and internationally are air-cooled, which is due to their simple design.
3、 Quality of marine air compressors
Generally, the compressed air produced by marine air compressors contains a certain amount of lubricating oil and water. In some cases, oil and water are prohibited. In this case, not only should attention be paid to compressor selection, but auxiliary devices should be added if necessary.
Solution to the shortcomings of marine air compressors:
1、选用无润滑压缩机。这种压家庄电动伸缩门 保定桌椅  保定水处理设备 河北机械加工  保定养老院  保定防水缩机气缸中基本上不含油。润滑不良,故障率高;
1. Choose a non lubricated compressor. This type of compressor cylinder is basically oil-free. Poor lubrication and high failure rate;
2、船用空压机( 无论哪种 ) 再加一级或二级净化装置或干燥器。这种装置可使压缩机空气既不含油又不含水,使压缩空气中的含油水量在 5ppm以下,可满足工艺要求。
2. Marine air compressors (regardless of type) are equipped with primary or secondary purification devices or dryers. This device can make the compressor air neither oil nor water, making the oil and water content in the compressed air below 5ppm, which can meet the process requirements.

