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网址:kongyajiz.oy56.cn  2022-01-10  作者:admin    阅读:

永磁变频空气压缩机的优点就是节能,其中大的因素是空气压缩机的工作工况,当客户的用气状况起伏大,其节能的效果就越好,直接的数据是空载时的时间占全部工作时间的比例。扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具 阶梯护坡模具 拱形护坡模具 卵形槽模具 保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训
The advantage of permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor is energy saving. The major factor is the working condition of the air compressor. When the customer's gas consumption fluctuates greatly, the better the energy saving effect will be. The direct data is the proportion of no-load time in the total working time.
2. Reduce the maintenance cost of permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor
Due to the use of energy-saving control system, the software start of the air compressor reduces the electric shock to the electrical components of the motor, and the starting current is small, which extends the life of the motor contactor. The software startup of air compressor reduces the mechanical impact on the equipment, and the service life of motor bearing, main engine bearing and gearbox is extended.
3 permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor reduces production loss
Permanent magnet variable frequency air compressor uses energy-saving controller to monitor more than 20 parameters, such as current, voltage, speed, torque and power consumption. The system is highly intelligent. Make the air system more stable and reliable, reduce the downtime, reduce the loss of production.

